how it works
STEP ONE – Come and try us out!
Free Trial Class or 2 Week Taster
Use the link below to signup and book your free trial class or start your 2 week taster membership. You can choose any WOD class from our timetable, everything we do in our classes is scaleable to all abilities – you do not need a specific level of fitness to get started, we really are for everyone!
STEP 2 – You’ve completed your free trial class or 2 week taster…
If you’ve done CrossFit before and feel confident in the movements, you can go ahead and join on one of our memberships.
If you’re new to CrossFit, you’ll need to complete our Intro Course which is designed to give you exposure to the fundamental movements of CrossFit in more detail. The intro course is a group course completed over 3 sessions at one session a week, which can be found on our timetable on Thursday’s at 6:30pm – 7:30pm. You do not have to attend consecutive intro course sessions – you just need to complete all 3 sessions when you can.
Once we have you booked on your intro course, you’re welcome to go ahead and sign-up to one of our memberships, you don’t need to have fully completed the intro course to join us on a membership and start attending classes.
The cost of the intro course is £75 for a total of 3 hours coaching with our head coach, Dan. Please either bring cash or card to pay the £75 on your first intro course session.
What’s involved on the course? What will I learn??
On the course, we will coach you around the fundamental movements and techniques that are essential for CrossFit. The course covers a mixture of gymnastics, olympic weightlifting and kettlebell movements but centres around the 9 fundamental movements of CrossFit. Each class will involve a throrough warm up and cool down and the opportunity to chat through any questions you may have.
Session 1 – PUSH & PULL – Deadlifts, strict press, push press, kettlebell skills
Session 2 – SQUAT & GYMNASTIC – Squats, fundamental hollow and arch positions, rope climbs
Session 3 – OLYMPIC LIFTING – Snatch and clean and jerks
To book your intro course, drop us an email to and we’ll get you booked in!

Come on In
opening times
06:00-08:00 | 10:00-14:00 | 16:00-20:00
06:30-08:30 | 10:00-14:00 | 16:00-20:00
06:00-08:00 | 10:00-14:00 | 16:00-20:00
06:30-08:30 | 10:00-14:00 | 16:00-20:00
06:30-08:30 | 10:00-14:00 | 16:00-20:00
Saturday & Sunday
09:00 - 12:00
02382 182981
CrossFit Southampton | Unit 3B Barton Park Industrial Estate Chickenhall Lane | Eastleigh | Hampshire | SO50 6RR